Monday, December 17, 2012

Their NFL New Uniforms and Their Fans!

NFL Football,Their NFL New Uniforms and Their Fans!

If you are an NFL football fan then you know there are no fans quite like the NFL football fans.  Prior to the games they paint their faces (and sometimes the rest of their body too), they throw on those NFL New Uniforms and yes folks, some people will even fight a man over their football team.  It’s just part of it.  They have a team that they love and they will support that team during their good times and their bad times.  They are there for their players and they can really show their spirit during the games.

>>> Buy The Best NFL New Uniforms Today <<<

Some people are loyal to players only and if their player moves to another team then yep, you guessed it; they’ll change teams to follow their beloved player.  Kind of like when Peyton Manning left and went to the Broncos.  No one really saw it coming, oh, they knew he was leaving but weren’t sure what team he was moving to.  So, they ditched all of the Colts stuff and bought NFL New Uniforms with Manning plastered proudly across the back of it.  All of their Colts stuff goes by the wayside because they really never were Colts fans, just Manning fans.  You have to admire that.

People will pay those outrageous prices to go and see their favorite teams or players and sit in the stands when it is 20 below zero outside and snowing because they are the diehard fans that the NFL needs.  If it weren’t for those fans there would be no football at all; but that will never happen because the fans will never go away so football will live on.  Sometimes there are threats of strikes or lock outs and the fans go crazy and mainly because of them (and the money too) the owners of each team will do whatever they can to keep the players out on the field. 

A fan can sometimes make a players day when they hold up the sign that bears the name of the player.  It could be a player who is having a bad season or just a bad week or day and knowing that there are fans out there that support them can put a smile on their face and make their day brighter.  The same is true for a lucky fan; if a player comes over and throws a ball up to a fan, it can be the best thing that happened in their day and it brings a smile to their face and the jealousy from the other fans says it all.

Fans of football come in all shapes and sizes and each one shows their support in a different way.  But no matter how they decide to show their support, it does matter to the players that they have fans and it matters to football overall.

There is a lot of compromise when it comes to owners, coaches and players but in the end, the fans generally get what it is they want from their football team.
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